Giorgia's new adventure on blog

Location: Italy

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Hi everybody!
How are you?? I'm fine although this period is a little bit full of works to do for all the courses.

Anyway, I have to tell you what I'm doing this week and I did last week at lesson...clearly I'm speaking about my English course!

I begin telling you what I'm doing this week! For next week I'm supposed to prepare a rough copy of my final presentation; as I told you in the last post (see below if you don't remember :)!!!...), my final work is about "University system in Italy and Usa"; clearly it's still a rough copy and so I don't give you the link, but you'll be able to visit it when it's finished...if you are interested in it! I'm working together with Barbara, a colleague and a friend of mine; I decided to prepare this work with her because I know how she works and she knows my way of working. For this reason the work is easier as we know each other. I really hope it will be an interesting presentation! I'll let you know when it's done!

Now I want to speak about (or better...write?!?) what we did at lesson last Monday.... what a wonderful lesson! Why? Well, I saw my american peer! Yes, last week we made our exchange all together and thanks to a camera we saw our colleagues in the USA! At the beginning it was a little bit embarassing as none of us wanted to speak; then somebody began and it was easier!

We asked them for some questions about the subjects for our final presentation and then we spoke about the terrific event which happened last week in West Virginia (the boy who enterred the university and killed so many students). Previously we had spoken between us (Italian students) about that and we tried to find the reasons why this fact happened there and not here in Italy. We asked them about that but they didn't have our same explanations for that; I think that they are inside the American society and it's difficult for them to be objective. The same thing would happen to us if it was an Italian fact.

Yes, with this exchange all together we've finished our Skyping experience :(. If you have not understood yet I think it was wonderful!! I had the chance to speak in English and get in touch with an other culture... it was just a beginning but it was stimulating!!

Well, what can I say...Thanks to the people who permitted this experience!
We'll "see" next week in the blog and I'll let you know the last news!

Saturday, April 21, 2007

I'm here again!!!

Hi world!!
I'm here to tell you about this week!

During the lesson on Monday I knew that our final presentation will be on the Net...AHHHHH! What a responsibility! I really hope that it will be a good job. I work on "University system in Italy and USA" together with Barbara; we've just begun collecting some pieces of information and we edited a general outline on our work. I don't want to give you the link to go to this page because it's a rough copy!

On Monday I had my skyping exchange, too! By now, my peer and I spoke together friendly! He is so nice that I enjoy myself speaking to him! Last week he wanted us to talk in Italian so that he could try to understand and speak but then we finished talking in English!

Next week I will have to ask him for some pieces of information about the subject for my final presentation so that he can give me a direct feedback! I really hope he can help me!

This week, too, my colleagues and me were supposed to write a new wiki page, "Water resources in USA". I wrote about the situation in the western US; yes this week I decided to focus my contribution on a very specific aspect. I had always contributed in something general so this week I wanted to change!

Well, that's all...for today...but next week I'll be here again!
Have a nice weekend!

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

I'm here again after Easter!

This week we had four tasks...when I saw them I was afraid but then I realised that only one was big!
My friends and I began writing a new wiki page: "Water resources in Italy". I decided searching and writing information about "Vajont"...Don't you know what it refers to? Please, click on the link and read what we wrote!

Last week, in class, I had my skyping exchange!! My American peer and I spoke about Easter..the similiarities and differences in the celebration...but how many differences between us!! He didn't even come back home...And what about me? On Sunday, I stayed with my family and during "Pasquetta", on Monday, I went around with my friends; yes, this is the traditional Italian habit on this occasion!

During this week we have to begin thinking to our final presentation for our English course, too; this is a problem as we have to find a subject which has its aspect both in Italy and USA. I think that my colleague and I will write about University system as I'm interested in the great amount of differences that exist between the two...I think it will be a little bit difficult but I hope it will be a good work in the end!

Have a nice week!

Sunday, April 01, 2007

Here I am!!

Hi people!
Yes…I’m here again as all weeks! Why? Well…I have to tell you what I did this week!!
Are you ready??…Don’t be afraid, please, I’m joking!

First of all, my colleagues and me began writing a new wiki page “Alternative energy sources in USA”. It was a great adventure; I had to “jump into” the world of energy in USA but I realized that nobody had written anything yet; for this reason I tried to search general information about this subject so that the page could have from the very beginning an order and a structure…I hope that my contribution has been useful!
Every day I visited the page and it’s great the way it became more and more interesting to read as we kept on writing and writing.

Concerning the other wiki page “Alternative energy sources in Italy”, we were supposed to improve it…grammar, structure and form were to be revised!
I worked in the part about “Regions” and I tried to eliminate the repetitions and to integrate the various paragraphs!

And then…What did I do during the last lesson on Monday?!..The EXCHANGE! Yes..I had the chance to speak again to my American peer and it was great! We spoke about his habits at university (in particular I wanted to know something more about fraternities as our teacher told us something but I wanted to know more about that).
I realized that during these exchanges, at the beginning it’s difficult for me to speak in English but then, keeping on in the conversation, “my English” becomes more and more fluent and that is very satisfying for me.

I look forward to having a new conversation with my peer!