Location: Italy

Sunday, November 12, 2006 new source!!

Hi people!!
How are you?
This week I have explored a new web source...
DEL.ICIO.US; This web site is a way to register your favourite web sites as if they were bookmarks and then you can visit other people's favourite web sites.

I have to tell the truth: at the beginning I couldn't understand very well what this source represented and I found it difficult to learn how this web site worked. For this reason I was not very enthousiastic about this new activity, but then I tried to face the problem and at the end of this week I can say that I have understood how this source can be useful for us and I'm happy that I'm able to use a new kind of technology.

In this activity I had to find at least 5 web sites to register in my page in and they had to be useful for our course "bloggingenglish2" and for all the contributors of this blog.

I have to say that it was very easy to find web sites about translations or language tools...Internet is full of sources of this kind. The real problem was to understand if they were valid or not!

In general, looking for all my colleagues' bookmarks, I noticed that most of them were about foreign languages, on line dictionaries, translation tools, experiences abroad... I think that all these subjects represent certainly what we (the contributors of this blog) have in common; for this reason it's not strange that all the bookmarks are about the same matter.

I think this is also a good way to compare our sources and find which is the best for our needs. Futhermore everyone can enrich his personal page with the sources which were found by other people...I think there could be a kind of information exchange!

Well, I think that's all for now and for my considerations about "".
Please, if you have something to tell me, if you agree with me or if you think I said wrong things...write a comment on my blog, I'll be happy to answer to you!
Have a nice week!


Blogger Sarah said...

Dear Giorgia,
Well, I’m glad to hear you persevered and found that social bookmarking can be useful for you too! I very much appreciate what you mention as one of the drawbacks, i.e. the value of the websites bookmarked, but 1 – there should be some sort of natural selection as this is not a search engine and 2 – it’s good for your critical analysis skills to determine whether the sites are valid or not. You don’t mention exactly which of your colleagues’ bookmarks you found interesting. Maybe you didn’t have time to take a close look at them. Try using their ‘notes’ or summaries.
Your written English has improved. Good job.

Just two language comments:
- check the meaning and use of “get in touch with”
- what follows “consider”?


1:38 PM  

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